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I'm soon-to-be Mrs. Megan Bunch, the soon-to-be Biology teacher at Baldwyn High, and the soon-to-be Mantachie resident. This blog tells you all about the adventures along the way.
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Monday, April 2, 2012

Jessica Porter

Out of the six girls that I chose as my bridesmaids, I have known Jessica for the least amount of time. I first encountered Jessica when I started at Mississippi State in the August of 2009. My very first Bulldog activity was the famous BASIC training weekend at the BSU, where Jessica and just so happened to be in the same purple group. We were both transfer kids, me from the W and her from MCC. Both baby fish in the big ocean of Stark Vegas. Lucky for us,
the fun didn't end with the weekend because the purple group lasted all semester!

I'm pretty sure that it was the joy of making fun of Helen Keller that launched our friendship. Whether it was "what was Helen Keller's favorite color? Corduroy." or "How did Helen Keller meet her husband? On a blind date," we usually spent more time laughing in Bible study than we did reading The Word. I should probably take a moment to apologize to Tara, Reed, and the Good Lord. But hey, they wanted us to make friends, right?

Jessica was my much-needed adventure buddy while I was in Starkville. We have done everything from ring our cowbells at Davis Wade Stadium, geocached our way around Starkville, to post-it note, ummmmmmmmm.., some of our friends' apartment. Some of my favorite memories from State involve making an Alabama left in a square with Porter in the MSU Horse Barn. Lord help us with our square dancing skills. We've dated roommates, and then broke up with roommates (btw Jessica, you should have told me earlier that that I was being an idiot). One summer I messaged her and asked if she was up for driving to Monroeville, Alabama to celebrate the anniversary of "To Kill a Mockingbird." Of course she was, so Mallory, Brittney,
and I swung by Meridian and picked her up for a day of driving around South Alabama. Twas a fun day!

After our first year at State, Jessica moved in with AK and Anna and became my neighbor! It was there that we framed her for stealing a Bully bike. :) Then, she went off to grad school in that rotten city across the state line. The fun didn't end there because I still get random books with pencil drawings of animals and text messages, most of which include pictures, of some of lifes funniest moments. It is Jessica Porter whom I credit for allowing me to realize just how many weird people there are in Starkville, Tuscaloosa, Meridian, and Shannon, and that those people many have just been placed there for us to get a chuckle out of.

I picked Jessica to be a bridesmaid because she's probably one of the most mischievous people that I know. And I figure that she'll do one heck of a job decorating our get-away car. Don't let me down. :)

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