About Me

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I'm soon-to-be Mrs. Megan Bunch, the soon-to-be Biology teacher at Baldwyn High, and the soon-to-be Mantachie resident. This blog tells you all about the adventures along the way.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cody Bunch

Cody is my breakfast hating younger brother. He is also my best man.

Even though we don’t live together anymore we still see each other a lot because we bother work together so we also ride to work together. Cody has been there through all the bumps in life.

We aren’t a lot alike, I like sports, Cody hates sports, I like hanging out with people, Cody like his solitude, I like coffee, Cody likes juice (so much so that was his nickname for a while).

Several of my friends don’t have brothers, Cody is like everybody’s little buddy. We all respect him and know he is a smart guy, but I love seeing Adam Frederick (one of the other groomsmen aggravate him about something or try to talk him into doing something stupid.

He is also one of the biggest Led Zeppelin fans I know.

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