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I'm soon-to-be Mrs. Megan Bunch, the soon-to-be Biology teacher at Baldwyn High, and the soon-to-be Mantachie resident. This blog tells you all about the adventures along the way.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

He Popped the Question

I haven't had a chance to sit down and write how he did it because I have been running around like a beheaded chicken for the past two months, but thanks to a bad case of laryngitis and a few days off work, today is the day that you read all about it. It really was romantic. :)

As you all know, in November State sealed the deal to become bowl eligible with a win against Ole Miss in the Egg Bowl. #hailstate The fact that I sweet-talked him into going is pretty remarkable, but I guess that the love of SEC football won out over the sheer hatred for cowbells and Ben agreed to go to Nashville for the Music City Bowl. I'm sure that that little rascal already had proposal plans up his sleeve though.

Let me just stop right here and say that I have been suspicious about a ring for some time now. I mean, I've known him since my mom drug us over to Mrs. Marcia's and we played with Ben and Cody's hamsters and looked at their Star Wars collection. We've been dating for, give or take a little, a year and a half. At first I was thinking, "Maybe he'll have something planned for after graduation." Graduation came.. no ring. Then I thought, "Maybe he's planning something special for Christmas." Christmas came and went.. no ring. What really got me going was the few weeks before we left for Nashville. He obviously lost his mind for a few seconds, because he would grab my hands at opportune times and shoot me those dreamy brown eyes and say, "Megan... would you make me the happiest man alive and go get me a Coke?" One day he even got a gigantic plastic ring from TI and slipped in on my finger when we were saying our goodbyes. I'm not kidding.

The Bulldogs won the bowl game on the 30th and we decided to spend the extra night in Nashville for New Years Eve. After all, Lynard Skynard was performing a free concert on Broadway and you know that I love Broadway in Nashville. We had spent New Years Eve day just gally vanting around Nashville at the Parthenon, piddlin' at the mall, and dragging Ben into JoAnn's giant superstore.

There isn't really a whole lot that I keep from Ben, especially if something is on my mind.. so I just asked him if he was going to propose that that. It did seem like the perfect time, after all. New Years Eve. We were alone. It was time!! That boy was as cool as a cucumber! He told me that we would have to buy a ring before he could do that and that he hadn't even talked to my dad. I didn't know it then, but I do now. He's a convincing lier. I believed him and didn't suspect a thing!

So, we went out for a nice dinner and then headed for downtown Nashville. It was perfect.. we hit up a few of the honky tonks on Broadway and then headed to the pedestrian bridge that goes over the Cumberland River. I swear that I didn't even think about how romantic it was going to be there. I thought that we were just getting out of the crowd and going to take some pictures that I could post on Facebook and Instagram.

So, we're on the bridge and I suggest that we find somebody to take a picture of both of us because up until then we had just been acting retarded and making Filipino poses so that we could make fun of Cristal Bunch when we got home. :) Ben's eyes lit up and he said "yeah! Let me go see if I can get this fella to take our picture!" While he was off talking to the strangers, I was just clicking away pictures of the Nashville skyline.. not suspecting a thing. So, the sketchy-looking stranger with arms that were all tatted-up and a beer in his hand comes over to take a picture . He takes it, shows it to us, and Ben says, "why don't you take another one for kicks?" Before I know it, that boy was down on one knee with a ring in his hand. He was asking me to marry him!! Because of all of the Coke incidents and the giant fake ring, my first thought was naturally, "Is this real?!? Because if it's not, Ben Bunch is the biggest d bag in the entire planet!!" Like always, I asked him what was on my mind and he confirmed that it was, in fact, a real ring, and slipped it on my finger.

There was an awkward period with the tattoo fella and his girlfriend after that. I was wanting to scream and kiss, but they were just kind of looking at us. I mean, how do you thank someone for that? I think that I finally shook their hand or something and then we didn't know what to do. Can't act normal after something like that. So, we decided to leave the Downtown scene and head to none other than the classy Waffle House to call my family and act like giddy little kids. I called Mama and Daddy, but they already know. He lied about that part too. We decided to wait till we got home to tell Mrs. Marcia and Mr. Paul. I don't think that I've ever seen someone so excited. She hasn't stopped talking about it since. :)

The big day is July 14!

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