About Me

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I'm soon-to-be Mrs. Megan Bunch, the soon-to-be Biology teacher at Baldwyn High, and the soon-to-be Mantachie resident. This blog tells you all about the adventures along the way.
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Michael Bunch

Michael Bunch is my older brother, and therefore he was my first friend.  Michael is 10 years older than me so he put me and Cody up to a lot of things when we were younger, usually things he thought were funny. 

 Don’t get me wrong I had a lot of fun with those sticks he cut and let me and Cody fight it out Ninja Turtle style and with my cardboard box armor he made so he and my cousin, Chris, could throw dirt clods at me. I had the time of my life! He let us do stuff that mom and dad wouldn't and we usually didn't get in trouble unless Cody would tell on us.  

Some of my fonder memories of when we are older are going camping and Mike trying to kick a raccoon that was in our camp and shooting bottle rockets on New Year’s Eve at Lindsey and Nathan’s house.  Mike taught me a lot of things through the years like how to take things back at Wal-Mart without a receipt and how to get correct change at Taco Bell.  And Megan is lucky to be getting a brother-in-law like him; it’s always good to have a heating and air guy in the family!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kayla Coward

First of all, I want to say thank the good Lord above for Kayla Coward!!

Our first encounter was completely random, which should have been a clue as to how the rest of our friendship was going to be. I was finishing up at ICC, Kayla was finishing up at EMCC, and we were all getting ready to transfer to the W in the fall. The W has a big scholarship program and a big day to apply for the big scholarship. Lucky for us, that big day happened to fall during the time that we were both going on Spring Break mission trips, so the people at the W graciously allow us to come interview early. When I interviewed, Kayla Coward was sitting in the same room and before I knew it we were chatting it up about going to Alaska and San Francisco. Next thing I know, we were both living in the Wavorly Apartment Complex in Columbus.

I cannot count the number of times that she has busted into my apartment and asked what was for lunch, the number of times that I have had to tell her to shut up during Grey's Anatomy, or how often she has made fun of my lack of cooking skills and my inability to peel a potato. Kayla was literally the only person that I met at the W that I am still friends with. Considering the pickings there, I consider myself lucky. :)

After spending a year at the W, I transferred to State. One would think that that would have dampened our friendship, but it didn't. Of course we didn't eat lunch together anymore, but anybody that knows Kayla Coward know what she doesn't meet a stranger, so she just made friends with everyone in Starkville! I swear that she knows more people in Starkville than I do!

We have had our fair share of time spent on the road too. Be it on the way to Florida with Judy Faye calling every 5 minutes, on the way to Atlanta with Judy Faye still calling every 5 minutes, or heck.. driving around Noxapater with Judy Faye still calling every 5 minutes. Seriously though, if I had to recommend any one of my friends to be a taxi driver in New York City or to win the Daytona 500, she's the one. Girl can drive.

I didn't think twice about asking Kayla to be a bridesmaid. She's been with me through a lot of life's seasons and she's going to be one of those friends that buys smocked outfits and hairbows for the little Bunch children. Annnnnnnnnnnd she named me Mego. :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Adam Frederick

Adam Frederick or as we call him most of the time "Fred", has been my bud from way back. We have been friends since elementary school and were roommates at Ole Miss. Sometimes he can be hard to get a hold of, but he will always be there when it counts. He is our groups "coach." He is always ready for a good time. You know if you see this guy dressed in a sweater vest, red and blue pom pom in his back pocket, and mustard in his beard, its going to be a great day in Vaught- Hemingway Stadium.

Any of the epic stories or memories I have usually involve Adam, from him taking the microphone from Elvis at Karaoke and singing a Miley Cyris song to our trips to Panama City and Biloxi, Adam is usually the source of entertainment. He is also a great guy to go to get a biscuit with in the morning. I probably would not be marrying Megan if not for his encouragement and coaching up. He was also voted "Most Swag" of all my friends, by a third party.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Jessica Porter

Out of the six girls that I chose as my bridesmaids, I have known Jessica for the least amount of time. I first encountered Jessica when I started at Mississippi State in the August of 2009. My very first Bulldog activity was the famous BASIC training weekend at the BSU, where Jessica and just so happened to be in the same purple group. We were both transfer kids, me from the W and her from MCC. Both baby fish in the big ocean of Stark Vegas. Lucky for us,
the fun didn't end with the weekend because the purple group lasted all semester!

I'm pretty sure that it was the joy of making fun of Helen Keller that launched our friendship. Whether it was "what was Helen Keller's favorite color? Corduroy." or "How did Helen Keller meet her husband? On a blind date," we usually spent more time laughing in Bible study than we did reading The Word. I should probably take a moment to apologize to Tara, Reed, and the Good Lord. But hey, they wanted us to make friends, right?

Jessica was my much-needed adventure buddy while I was in Starkville. We have done everything from ring our cowbells at Davis Wade Stadium, geocached our way around Starkville, to post-it note, ummmmmmmmm.., some of our friends' apartment. Some of my favorite memories from State involve making an Alabama left in a square with Porter in the MSU Horse Barn. Lord help us with our square dancing skills. We've dated roommates, and then broke up with roommates (btw Jessica, you should have told me earlier that that I was being an idiot). One summer I messaged her and asked if she was up for driving to Monroeville, Alabama to celebrate the anniversary of "To Kill a Mockingbird." Of course she was, so Mallory, Brittney,
and I swung by Meridian and picked her up for a day of driving around South Alabama. Twas a fun day!

After our first year at State, Jessica moved in with AK and Anna and became my neighbor! It was there that we framed her for stealing a Bully bike. :) Then, she went off to grad school in that rotten city across the state line. The fun didn't end there because I still get random books with pencil drawings of animals and text messages, most of which include pictures, of some of lifes funniest moments. It is Jessica Porter whom I credit for allowing me to realize just how many weird people there are in Starkville, Tuscaloosa, Meridian, and Shannon, and that those people many have just been placed there for us to get a chuckle out of.

I picked Jessica to be a bridesmaid because she's probably one of the most mischievous people that I know. And I figure that she'll do one heck of a job decorating our get-away car. Don't let me down. :)